Ogbourne St Georges Practice
- On application
Sally can offer one to one counselling by telephone and email. Please contact her for details
- Ogbourne St George
- Free private parking outside practice
- Counselling by phone and email possible
- All consultations in strictest confidence
- Caring & sympathetic approach
Sally's catchment area for counselling and psychotherapy is :
- Marlborough (4 miles)
- Swindon (9 miles)
- Hungerford (12 miles)
- Newbury (21 miles) and
- Wiltshire
FREE PARKING outside practice.
Do email me or telephone for a chat
Do email me or phone for a chat
- 07831 653 505
- 01672 841 019
- Sally@SallyJarvis.co.uk
- Ogbourne St George
- Wiltshire
- I take calls from 9 - 11am & 6 - 8pm Fri-Sat
- sallyjarvis.co.uk